Good game. I liked the text boxes, they got annoying quickly but I still laughed.
Good game. I liked the text boxes, they got annoying quickly but I still laughed.
Best Flash Platformer.
This is the best flash platformer I've ever played. Great animation, awesome music, and everything is just so fluid.
I come back to this game every few weeks, even though I've beaten it so many times. World 3 will be awesome.
I can't sum this up in words. Just play it.
Spartans are tough.
Spartans are tough. This proves it. So do they.
Great game!
Nice upgrades, nice graphics (very flashy though, so watch out slow PCs), interesting enemies... Just a good game.
It would be nice if you could play as the Orb things too though.
WARNING: This game is very hard. Protect the space station above all else, until you've upgraded enough to leave it alone.
Nice game.
Think of this as Point Blank (the target shooting game) with zombies. It isn't really a zombie survival game, the heads are just painted targets, and the biting is a time penalty. When you stop thinking of this as a Z survival, it becomes more fun.
Enjoy shooting the undead targets!
Nice idea!
Really an 8 game, but the way you made it (stop motion) gave you another star.
Short but sweet. Can't wait for 2, this seemed like the 1st mission of a bigger game.
Great game! Glad that I found it on NG as well.
A good game. Nothing spectacular, not too gory, just "shoot the zombies".
I kind of like how you don't move, it makes it a bit more defensive.
More enemies would be nice, but I like the 3 (or I've only seen 3) there already.
The screen gets darker as you go on, making it harder to see them. Another nice feature.
Shoot when they are climbing out of the ground.
Shotgun should be a backup weapon, as it has a loooooong reload time.
YOU NEED TO CLICK ON THEM TO SHOOT THEM!!! Imagine that they aren't in single file, and you need to aim left and right as well by aiming specifically at the one you want to shoot.
A genuinely great game. The combination of Platformer and Tower Defence worked well, the traps were interesting, and (one of) the monsters were (was) great.
However, when I tried to eat people, the character stopped. I know that was the Idea, but it kind of interupted the flow.
More Traps, more Monsters! I want to see many more of these!
A great game. I didn't mind the no backstory thing, I liked it for what it was: a simple beat-em-up. More weapons and enemies would be nice though.
Fun for 2 whole minutes...
Not actually that good... Nice idea, but it sort of managed to be too fluid, or too fast paced, or just too sensitive.
Game rated a 6, +5 for Ninjas, -4 for inaccurate portrayal (a Ninja could kill them all without them even knowing they were dead).
Age 41, Male
Quensland, Australia
Joined on 3/14/09